There are mainly four different indications for these numbers and letters in his text:
In paragraph §25 of Chapter XIV, Quantz writes ‘with increasing strength of tone’ for the word growing, which I have interpreted as crescendo, and similarly, the word diminishing described as ‘diminishing strength of tone’ as decrescendo. In order to have an immediate visual overview, I have marked each of these corresponding dynamic signs in the musical text with a different colour, according to Quantz’s specifications. |
In this case, this is particularly remarkable because this ornament resembles a tierce coulée, which is normally played weakly and unaccented.
This raises the following question: does Quantz really mean the French type of tierce coulée? Or is it simply three different tones with different volumes? There are other examples of this (see picture). According to Quantz, the second eighth note should be played forte and emphasised, although this type of ornamentation is usually played unaccented and piano in French. |
And two further special features, wehre Quantz uses two different words in his text: ‘schmeichelnd’ (flattering) and ‘gezogen’ (drawn). The word gezogen refers to the articulation with a dense bond (i.e. a legato bow stroke) and the word schmeichelnd describes the affect of this passage, and incidentally appears once again.
My explanation of the term ‘schmeichelnd’ can be found in Chapter 14, §5, where Quantz writes: ‘A true Adagio must be similar to a flattering petition’. |
And here is the final result
(click on the video to listen and follow the score or on the picture to see a larger version ). |
Hello, my name is Anna.
I am a professional Baroque flutist and passionate teacher from Germany. Twenty years ago, I studied the modern flute at the University of the Arts in Berlin with Annette von Stackelberg with my final diploma. I took masterclasses with András Adorján, Laurence Dean and Christoph Huntgeburth. During my studies, I had three children, who are now grown up. This gave me the opportunity to specialize in historical performance practice. I have been studying with renowned artists such as Benedek Csalog, Marc Hantai, and Barthold Kuijken. I give concerts and work with different chamber music groups as a freelance musician, and I have been enthusiastically teaching musicians of all ages from around the world for 23 years. My specialty is Baroque music from the 17th and 18th centuries, which is my greatest passion and something I am eager to share. My first CD will be released before Christmas 2024 this year: A collection of 6 sonatas and the famous Adagio by Johann Joachim Quantz! I am looking foreward to share this wonderful music with you! Anna's website Learning traverso online with Anna |